Saturday, January 30, 2016


Here are some principals that we learned / no heard early on in our Christian experience.  I originally typed learned but then I realized we really haven't learned them yet;

"The first shall be last and the last shall be first."  How many of us even practice these principals.  Think about our driving habits or how we will look for the shortest line at the grocery store.  If we Christians practiced these principals how much better would our driving and shopping experiences be.  

"If you want to be greatest in the Kingdom then become the servant of the least." If every Christian adopted one homeless person, orphan, elderly person or veteran each of those would have 10 people caring for them and we soon would have no homeless, orphan, lonely elderly people, or vets.  

It's as if we don't believe these principals are true.  Each encounter you have is a visitation from God.  If you really believed that whatever you do to the least of these you do unto me.  Then you wouldn't rationalize (if I give them money they'll just by booze) This is also a testimony that we don't really believe we are who God says we are.  (Son's of God, Joint heir with Jesus Christ having connection to all power and authority in Heaven and earth.)    

What about; "Give and it shall be given unto you."  God's economy is based upon planting and reaping.  The Lords Prayer starts out "Our Father which art in Heaven"  we live in a community yet almost all our prayers are for our own needs.  Maybe we should try planting what it is that we are wanting.  
If we are lonely maybe we could go to a retirement home and hug someone.  
If we need healing maybe we could go to a hospital and pray for someone else.  I think that would be a pretty good plan because one you would find a reciprocity where people would be in agreement and two, the enemy wouldn't want to encourage you to be effective in ministry. 
If we need money we might think of the farmer; Who goes out and looks over his land and yells CORN as if to believe that it will just come!  No he saves his best corn from the previous crop and plants it in the fertile ground.  Maybe we could trust Godly principals and give some money to ministries that are fertile ground. 

If we need direction or encouragement in fulfilling our God given destiny maybe we could share from our own expertise to help someone else reach their destiny.

The most important Inversion in the Kindgom of Heaven!

The New Covenant; Most of haven't truly understood the blessing of the new covenant.  Whereas the old covenant was predicated on our being good and following the laws to have a relationship with God.  God declared; "As I Am, I will get everyone into the promise land."  He has put the responsibility for humanity getting into the promise land upon Himself.  
Here are some more promises; "I will give you the will to do my will." "The battle is mine sayeth the Lord." "nothing will return to me void."  "Every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord." "Everything is from God, through God and to God."
It was even set out in The Lord's Prayer; man's typical interpretive version of the prayer is Lord make me strong so that next time the temptation comes I'll be strong and won't yield.  But this is what we were taught; God "Lead me not into temptation," but if I should manage override the unction of your spirit and get there on my own, then I give you authority to "deliver me from evil."  

This is where some of our modern responses can be a great help!
"What would Jesus Do."
"Let go and let God."  
"Jesus is the answer."
These are exemplary actions of one who has died to his flesh and is being directed by the Holy Spirit.

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