Thursday, May 8, 2014


The Inverted Kingdom was exemplified by Jesus life.  He said; "If you've seen Me you've seen The Father for I and The Father are one.'  Adam was placed in this territory of God's Kingdom called earth and his mandate was to colonize it with the Kingdom of Heaven.  The Romans were the first to implement this colonization process in Palestine.  Rather than taking all the people captive and returning to Rome as the Babylonians did they sent 300 people from Rome to Palestine to make Palestine look like Rome.  The job of these 300 people was to impact and rule the territory and it's people with the culture, traditions, values and laws of Rome. 
This was Adam's mandate; "Thy Kingdom Come Thy Will Be Done On Earth As It Is In Heaven."  This mandate was interrupted by Adams desire to be Like God and do things his own way.  Therefore mankind had to figure out a governmental system on their own.  Until Moses God only revealed himself as El Shaddai the provider.  But when God heard the cry of His people in Egyptian captivity He called upon Moses to deliver them from their captivity. 

Moses after delivering the Children of Israel from Egyptian captivity was tankful for God's instruction as to how to govern these 2 million people who were completely out of control.  God then revealed Himself to Moses as Yaw-ah the law giver because of Moses need for a Government to keep the people in order.  

Here is a foundational point in the Inverted Kingdom.  God told Moses His name was "I Am that I Am' to me this is God saying because of creation I Am...What Is, you can't come in contact with anything or anyone that isn't me.  So He revealed to Moses the Straight and Narrow and His Laws.  We typically think of The Straight and Narrow and His Law as restrictions.  But The Kingdom of Heaven celebrates our freedom, God created us to be kings and have dominion.  Therefore the purpose of His Law was to give the people an understanding of who He Is.  Tell the people about Me, tell them "WHAT IS" because WHAT IS; is non negotiable.  I created everything to bless you and for your pleasure and I know how it works together.  So follow these laws so that you can experience freedom without bumping your head.  The Straight and Narrow is really the Free Highway and the Law tells you where the pot holes, ruts and dead-ends are so you can easily transverse the Free Highway and Heaven will be established on Earth. 

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