"God complete in Himself needing nothing created so that He could express Himself/Love." A.W. Towser 

In all of God's creation man is His prized possession.  He created Adam in His likeness and image and gave him dominion to manage a territory of His creation called earth. Adam began his life as a king with access to all of God's power and authority in the garden.  Adam experienced God's Love and Intimacy as God joined Adam as he daily enjoyed and managed the garden.  Exercising his dominion mandate as king over the territory over the beast of the field, the foul of the air and the fish in the sea. 

In the midst of the garden God placed the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil, CONTRAST.  It was not God's perfect will for Adam to eat from the tree but it was in His plan because without this contrast Adam and all humanity for that matter would not be able to fully comprehend and appreciate the Love of God without first experiencing a government without the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

THE CREATION PROCESS; We created in the image of God by the Holy Spirit can see the end from the beginning too.  We exercise our creative energy like He does we perceive a need, (purpose) in our mind then we write down the vision with words, graphs and illustrations until we see it completely finished and fulfilling it's purpose, (the need we originally perceived) before we start to bring it into fruition in the physical realm.  
God has a planned destiny for everything He creates for He said; "Nothing will return to me void." In essence everything I create will fulfill it's purpose.  Here is a poem that describes the partnership between God and man and how we express the creation process.  Can I Get an Amen

Don't be disillusioned by our out of control government which was formed without the benefit of the Holy Spirit.  In the macrocosm God is just setting the stage for HIS ULTIMATE COUP.  He is sovereign therefore awesome because He is bringing the whole world into unity via all the chaos; immigration, government, corporate and banking corruption, wars and rumors of wars to where everyone in the world wants the same thing or has the same desire.   Everybody in the whole world wants a better government.  It was implemented by Jesus 2000 years ago. 
Remember Adam didn't loose a religion he lost a government and Jesus reclaimed that government when he took all authority from Satan and then breathed upon His disciples saying re-sieve, (have once again what God originally gave Adam;) The indwelling Holy Spirit, (The Governor of the Kingdom of Heaven.) John 3:16; For God so loved the (world; the governing system over a territory,) that he gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.

God will finish what He started, He is the Alpha and Omega, He saw His completed work from the beginning.  JESUS WILL BE KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.  

Jesus Stone Kingdom is inverted it starts and grows from the bottom up.  It is established in the microcosm first as each individual is conformed to the image of Christ, governed by the Holy Spirit His kingdom is established until ultimately he will draw all men unto himself.
The STONE KINGDOM will cover and there we be  no end.
Read; (The Apple of God's Eye)


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